Sunday, November 9, 2014

Be Subject to the Elders (I Peter 5:5)

We have some great Elders at our church! 

They lead us in our church.  They are put to certain tests and they have to do a lot of hard work and take care of everyone in the whole congregation. 

They are my friends. 

"Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” -I Peter 5:5

 Our Lads to Leaders kids had a dinner for them.   We all cooked, and did all of the preparing for the dinner.  It took all night Saturday, and then the Dinner was Sunday after services.

Some of the kids made meatballs.

Some of the girls made little garlic bread sticks.

As for me, I got to do the cucumber peeling and grating with a cheese grater. 

We made little slices of cucumbers for the salad. 

We set up fancy tables in the basement of the building. 
 It was not hard, but Mrs. Ashley wanted us to set the silverware perfectly. 
The napkins had to be placed on the table just so. 

Next, we made Desserts, which were little brownies put in cups, then made in layers of pumpkins and then brownies and pumpkin again.  Then at the top we put whip cream. 


We decorated the Tables with acorns and leaves and little pumpkins and pine cones to make it look like Autumn. 

 Last of all, we made salads for everyone.

Each kid had an assigned Elder and his wife to tend to.  I got Mr. Larry and his wife. 

He was fun because he talked a lot.   

 We talked about fishing, hunting, Arkansas, getting in our Boat, and just having plain fun.

All the kids served the Elders and their wives. 

Paul Yoder  and Miss Janet

Miss Jennifer and Darren Crowden

Miss Lori and Grant Deitch

Tim Williams and Miss Patti

Making Dessert

Making the Salad

I like having Elders because they can help me memorize verses, learn about the Bible,
 and they are fun to talk with. 

"So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ,
as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed:
shepherd the flock of God that is among you,
exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly,
 as God would have you; not for shameful gain,
but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge,
 but being examples to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd appears,
you will receive the unfading crown of glory."

I Peter 5:1-4


Monday, October 27, 2014

A Friend Loves at All Times

Proverb 17:17

The Proverbs tell us that to be a friend

means to give of yourself. 

I have a friend who needed help

making a costume. 

 Lauren had fabric and an idea, so My Mom and I invited her to our home for a day to see if my we could help her.  

I I thought it might be fun to join in the sewing. 


Here is the drawing of  the idea that Lauren

brought to our home for

her Fairy Costume. 

We worked hard all day,

cutting fabric, measuring,

and sewing. 



It was hard,

but we also had some fun

while we worked.


I had never used a sewing machine before, and it is known to be a Woman Skill, but it was  fun for me to sew using the machine, too.  



My Dad says that I will need to know my way around a Sewing Machine if I am to become a Small Engine Repair Man.  


So I did not think I was "girlie" to use the sewing machine today. 

 Here is the Finished thing. 

Lauren was really happy that day

when she finished the costume project.  

I think this Memory Verse means that a friend loves another friend during all things that happen in life. 
Sometimes a friend will stop being nice, or stop wanting to be with me so much, but I think the Bible tells me in this verse to keep on loving that friend no matter how she or he treats me. 
 Real friendship lasts in the bad times
and the good times. 
I want to be that kind of a friend. 
I think Jesus was that kind of a Friend
to Peter and the others. 






Monday, August 11, 2014

My First Job

When I was 10 years old, My Parents and I talked about a business I could start on my own. 


We talked about all sorts of things,
but in the end,
I decided that
I would start a Service
 of Refuse Collector Work,
where I took our family's trash and the neighbor's trashcans out,
(and then back in)
on Trash Days.

 It was pretty hard work because I had to get up at 6 in the morning to beat the Garbage Truck.  They paid me 25 cents for each can I moved. 

 I was very ready to start this business, because I needed money for stuff, and I wanted to have a chance to show my Mom and Dad that I could do something like this.

I have learned a lot of Lessons doing my job.  Here are a few of them: 

Hard Work
AT first, I was really excited to be working for money, and helping out my neighbors, too.   But, then I started to hate getting up so early, especially in the winter, because it was icy, or snowy.  On those days, it was hard to get out of bed.  I was getting grouchy and having a bad attitude about that for a while. 

My Dad had a talk with me then, and  told me that my job was important, especially for the old people because they might fall on the ice.  I was really helping people, AND earning money to buy what I wanted WITH my own money.  

My Dad told me to focus on the PAYOFF, which was the $$, and also that I was helping others. 

So I began to grumble less, and get up without so much trouble. 

Now I get up pretty good, I guess because I am used to it, plus I DO like having that CASH to spend!


my self regulation Submarine Sticker Chart
I made it to help me get ready faster
without arguing
Self Regulation is a word I learned a long time ago, but I didn't like the word, or what it meant.  I remember when I used to put sticker charts on paper to help me get ready for church and school in the morning.  I had a Submarine Sticker Chart.  It was fun, but it did get boring after awhile. 

I like going and buying THINGS
With my business, I get to make all the decisions.  I decided to expand to the next block from our house, but if I wanted to, I  could decide to quit it.  My parents say it is up to me. 

 What I like is that I also get to spend the money my own way.  I do give some to Jesus, some to spend, and I save some in my Bank Account.  But I could spend it all if I wanted to.  My parents let me make that decision, because it is my business. 

I like collecting Hex Bugs and
their Habitats
At first, I spent all the money on toys.  That decision was not wise.  Then I did not have money to give to a Missionary who visited our Congregation one Sunday.  I felt really bad about that.  Now I save a little of the money for things that come up, like Missions, or projects , and for Operation Christmas Child. 

Sometimes I buy Pizza for my whole family,
but it wipes out my earnings. 
Ten Dollars for 2 Pizzas is actually 40 trash cans taken out! 
 I am glad that my parents let me make the decisions myself.  They say it will help me in my future, like when I go to college like my cousins did.  It will teach me about spending, saving, and what they call "budgeting."  It already is teaching me that.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

ONE Life

     A friend of our family went to Afganistan.  He was 20 years old.  He was a Marine.  His name was Dane.  He saw all the people that were dying, on his team and on the other team.   Other people got diseases.  He saw all that death, and got depressed. 

     Dane was so depressed that he couldn't eat or drink.   He had super bad dreams and got so scared when he got home.  One day he felt so depressed.  He told his mom "I'll feel better some day."  He was so sad that he got a pistol and he shot himself right in the heart. 

     He died.  The whole family was so, so sad. 

     There was a walk, a 5K, called "Walking out of the Darkness."  This was for helping suicide prevention.  Every fifteen minutes, people die of suicide.  That is not right.
 Dane's Family and my family walked in the 5K,
remembering Dane.
We look happy, but we were very sad.

     The Bible says not to kill.  That includes not killing yourself.  Dane was a Christian.  He went into the Marines because he wanted to help people.   He wanted to help our country.   But he was so depressed because of what he saw and maybe even what he did.  He didn't want to think about that anymore. 

     I wish I could have stopped him.  I wish I had prayed to God to help him not be so depressed.  If I was at his house, I wish I could have found his gun and took it out of his room.   I wish I could have spent time with Dane and comfort him.  But I didn't know he was going to kill himself.  Nobody knew.

 I think Dane is in Heaven.   He is not sad anymore.  He is with Abraham and Jesus in Paradise, with many Angels.  I did this walk because I hate suicide.   I want people to know they don't have to destroy themselves.  There is a friend who loves them, and someone can help them, but they have to tell that they are feeling like they want to kill themselves.  No one can read minds.   We only have one life, and we must not kill ourselves or it is wasted.   That is the reason I did the Walk.  Life is too precious to let it go.
In Memory of Dane

"You are the Light of the world, oh Lord,
And You make Your servants shine,
So how can there be any darkness in me,
If You are the Light of the World,
Yes, You are the Light of the world."
--song by Michael Card

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

One God

We went on a Field Trip to "Farm City" today.   We saw all kinds animals, and did science experiments, too

 In all of the looking and walking around, I kept
thinking about God. 
I thought that He was so
awesome because He made every animal here.
Baby Chicks just hatched


Only God could have made so many different things, like the people, the goats, the cows, the chickens, the horses, and the little tiny baby kittens. 
Some people say that the world started with the Big Bang Theory.
But this couldn't have been true.  Something had to have MADE this stuff.   Nothing can't just happen.  Nothing is just Nothing. 
God told us in the Bible that He made world. 
Of all the other planets, this is the only one that can suit life.
All the other persons that people worship were
either only stone, mud, or humans.
For example, Dagon in the Bible was the "god of the harvest." 
When the Ark of the Covenant was
brought in to stand by Dagon,
Dagon fell on his face.
The next day, when they put him back up,
Dagon was broken.  His head and arms were
broken off.  God did that.
All the ones who worshipped Dagon
thought he was real until then.  After God
broke Dagon, those people were scared.
God made them have Tumors because they
worshipped stones and made up gods.
I bet if I went to ancient Egypt, and the Egyptians
were all around, and I went to each of the statues
of their gods, pushed them down and they
broke, they would realize that they were
just statues made of stone.