Tuesday, July 22, 2014

ONE Life

     A friend of our family went to Afganistan.  He was 20 years old.  He was a Marine.  His name was Dane.  He saw all the people that were dying, on his team and on the other team.   Other people got diseases.  He saw all that death, and got depressed. 

     Dane was so depressed that he couldn't eat or drink.   He had super bad dreams and got so scared when he got home.  One day he felt so depressed.  He told his mom "I'll feel better some day."  He was so sad that he got a pistol and he shot himself right in the heart. 

     He died.  The whole family was so, so sad. 

     There was a walk, a 5K, called "Walking out of the Darkness."  This was for helping suicide prevention.  Every fifteen minutes, people die of suicide.  That is not right.
 Dane's Family and my family walked in the 5K,
remembering Dane.
We look happy, but we were very sad.

     The Bible says not to kill.  That includes not killing yourself.  Dane was a Christian.  He went into the Marines because he wanted to help people.   He wanted to help our country.   But he was so depressed because of what he saw and maybe even what he did.  He didn't want to think about that anymore. 

     I wish I could have stopped him.  I wish I had prayed to God to help him not be so depressed.  If I was at his house, I wish I could have found his gun and took it out of his room.   I wish I could have spent time with Dane and comfort him.  But I didn't know he was going to kill himself.  Nobody knew.

 I think Dane is in Heaven.   He is not sad anymore.  He is with Abraham and Jesus in Paradise, with many Angels.  I did this walk because I hate suicide.   I want people to know they don't have to destroy themselves.  There is a friend who loves them, and someone can help them, but they have to tell that they are feeling like they want to kill themselves.  No one can read minds.   We only have one life, and we must not kill ourselves or it is wasted.   That is the reason I did the Walk.  Life is too precious to let it go.
In Memory of Dane

"You are the Light of the world, oh Lord,
And You make Your servants shine,
So how can there be any darkness in me,
If You are the Light of the World,
Yes, You are the Light of the world."
--song by Michael Card

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

One God

We went on a Field Trip to "Farm City" today.   We saw all kinds animals, and did science experiments, too

 In all of the looking and walking around, I kept
thinking about God. 
I thought that He was so
awesome because He made every animal here.
Baby Chicks just hatched


Only God could have made so many different things, like the people, the goats, the cows, the chickens, the horses, and the little tiny baby kittens. 
Some people say that the world started with the Big Bang Theory.
But this couldn't have been true.  Something had to have MADE this stuff.   Nothing can't just happen.  Nothing is just Nothing. 
God told us in the Bible that He made world. 
Of all the other planets, this is the only one that can suit life.
All the other persons that people worship were
either only stone, mud, or humans.
For example, Dagon in the Bible was the "god of the harvest." 
When the Ark of the Covenant was
brought in to stand by Dagon,
Dagon fell on his face.
The next day, when they put him back up,
Dagon was broken.  His head and arms were
broken off.  God did that.
All the ones who worshipped Dagon
thought he was real until then.  After God
broke Dagon, those people were scared.
God made them have Tumors because they
worshipped stones and made up gods.
I bet if I went to ancient Egypt, and the Egyptians
were all around, and I went to each of the statues
of their gods, pushed them down and they
broke, they would realize that they were
just statues made of stone.